man holding card with seeking human kindness text

Hygiene is a human right.

Plover International is a global student-led nonprofit geared toward donating hygiene products all throughout the world. At Plover, we believe that hygiene is a human right, and strive to make an impact in hygiene access.

What is a Plover?

Plover International draws its name from the small plover birds known for cleaning the teeth of alligators and crocodiles. This unique relationship symbolizes the nonprofit’s mission: just as plovers help maintain the hygiene of these reptiles, Plover International supports underserved communities by providing essential hygiene access. Working through student-led global chapters, we all become plovers within serving our own communities.

Our Impact

Plover International began its initiative in June of 2023. A little over a year later, our organization is helping thousands of people within underserved communities by aiding them with essential hygiene access.



International Board Members

Hygiene Product Donations

Our Branches

Bloom Aid
Global Dental Access Foundation

The primary mission of the Bloom Aid branch is to address period poverty. We achieve this by donating menstrual products to communities in need, advocating for sustainable policies that ensure access to hygiene products for women in the long term, and educating women and girls globally about menstrual health.

The Global Dental Access Foundation improves oral health in underserved communities by providing essential dental products and education. By donating toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other hygiene essentials, we promote preventative care to combat oral disease and create healthier futures, one smile at a time.

Plove International operates within two different branches, Bloom Aid and the GDAF. These two branches are spread globally to impact hygiene access worldwide and both have their specific target communities.

Plover International Memories

Global highlights working with our wonderful team.

Our Partners

From sponsoring organizations to our donation distributors, we are always ever-so thankful for those who walk alongside us in our mission.

Your help is instrumental in providing underserved communities with hygiene access.

Donate to Plover International today.